Places for the September class on The Natural Perfume Academy are filling up really fast. I know that you may have contact us enthusiastically asking for more information or having more questions and you really showed that you are passionate about learning more about natural perfumery. However please don't delay. Pay the deposit today to secure a place as spaces are limited to ten students and I would hate if you were to be disappointed. Also we can't hold a space for you without a deposit except in special circumstances so please don't assume that because you said you are taking the course that a space is reserved for you.
We do our best to keep everyone happy and hate it if we ever fail.
I also realize that some of you have paid the deposit already. You will have received a Paypal receipt for the funds you paid. You have now secured a place in the course and will get a personal response in due course regarding induction into the academy, materials, workbook etc.
Thanks for you time.
Spread the word: Please forward this email to a new interested party after you have read it.
Warm regards,
NNAPA Administrator