I was wondering if you had a chance to check out the new 'drop-down' from your profile pic (top right when you are logged in). From that one corner you can easily navigate to your emails, courses, calendars and more. Check out our flashy new social network connection buttons at the top top right. Remember you can drop me an email to (ruth@naturalperfumeacademy) at anytime with any question.
Our new spring 6 month intensive course in natural perfumery opens officially on the 20th of April
Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Spaces for participants are limited to 12 participants per course.
Check our Fees info and our FAQ
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your participation, your enthusiasm and your time. We would be nothing without you. Thanks for checking in, thanks for taking part and just thanks for being there.
Here's to another great year ahead and many wonderful and fragrant trails and shared olfactory experiences along the way. And here's to all of you!