A series of advanced natural and botanical perfumery workshops and masterclasses written and instructed by Justine Crane. This course is currently running and open for enrolment.

Learn more or Buy this Course 

Estimated Duration:

The course time runs 3 - 6 months depending upon which schedule the student chooses to work.
Total of 170 hours approximate 7 hours minimum per week for 6 months or 14 hours minimum per week for 3 months. 
6+ hours reading only coursework information; 160+ hours workshop and participation prompt exercises.  

Uma série de oficinas de perfumaria botânica e aulas práticas escritas e instruídas por Justine Crane e traduzidas por Ane* Walsh. Este curso está em andamento e aberto para inscrições.

Clique aqui para saber mais e se inscrever neste curso.

Estimated Duration:

O tempo do curso dura de 3 a 6 meses, dependendo do horário que o aluno escolher para trabalhar.

Total de 170 horas, aproximadamente 7 horas no mínimo por semana durante 6 meses ou 14 horas no mínimo por semana durante 3 meses.

6+ horas lendo apenas informações do curso; Workshop com mais de 160 horas e exercícios de estímulo à participação.

NPA Business and Natural Perfumery Certificate Pilot Program Summary

The NPA (Natural Perfumers Association) Business and Natural Perfumery Certificate Program is being designed to offer comprehensive education and certification across three distinct curriculums tailored to the specific needs of individual perfumers, businesses, and specific perfumes. Each curriculum will endeavour to ensure that applicants are well-equipped with knowledge and skills to uphold the highest standards of natural perfumery, ethical practices, and sustainability.

1. Curriculum for Individual Perfumers

Module 1: Ethical Sourcing of Materials

  • Introduction to ethical sourcing, its importance, and sustainability.
  • Identifying ethically sourced materials and learning from case studies.
  • Test: Ethical Sourcing Knowledge Check.

Module 2: Spotting Bogus Suppliers

  • Recognising red flags in supplier reliability and understanding certifications.
  • Tools and techniques for verifying supplier claims.
  • Test: Supplier Verification Skills.

Module 3: Wild Foraging Rules

  • Guidelines for sustainable and ethical wild foraging.
  • Environmental and ecological considerations.
  • Test: Wild Foraging Knowledge Check.

Module 4: Ethical Practices in the Perfumery

  • Implementing sustainable studio practices and eco-friendly methods.
  • Real-world examples of ethical perfumers.
  • Test: Ethical Studio Practices Knowledge Check.

Module 5: Integrity and Ethical Decision Making

  • Navigating common ethical dilemmas with decision-making frameworks.
  • Long-term benefits of maintaining ethical practices.
  • Test: Integrity and Ethics Assessment.

2. Curriculum for Business Certification

Module 1: Company-wide Ethical Sourcing

  • Developing and implementing a company-wide ethical sourcing policy.
  • Ensuring compliance with the established standards.
  • Test: Company Sourcing Policy Assessment.

Module 2: Supplier Vetting and Management

  • Establishing ethical criteria for suppliers and ongoing assessment methods.
  • Regular auditing and performance reviews.
  • Test: Supplier Management Skills.

Module 3: Environmental Impact and Sustainability

  • Implementing sustainable practices to reduce the business's environmental footprint.
  • Reporting and communicating sustainability efforts to stakeholders.
  • Test: Sustainability Practices Assessment.

Module 4: Ethical Business Practices

  • Developing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.
  • Ensuring truthful marketing and advertising practices.
  • Test: Ethical Business Practices Knowledge Check.

Module 5: Certification Application Process

  • Preparing the necessary documentation and evidence for certification.
  • Understanding the detailed certification criteria.
  • Test: Certification Readiness Assessment.

3. Curriculum for Perfume Certification

Module 1: Sourcing Materials for Perfume

  • Standards for sourcing raw materials and understanding supplier certifications.
  • Test: Sourcing Knowledge Check.

Module 2: Quality and Cost Analysis

  • Techniques for evaluating ingredient quality and conducting cost analysis.
  • Test: Quality and Cost Analysis Skills.

Module 3: Ingredient Origins and Extraction Methods

  • Geopolitical and environmental considerations of ingredient origins.
  • Sustainable and ethical extraction processes.
  • Test: Origins and Extraction Methods Assessment.

Module 4: Certification Standards and Ethics

  • Detailed review of NPA standards and case studies of certified perfumes.
  • Test: Certification Standards Knowledge Check.

Module 5: Application Process and Final Assessment

  • Preparing necessary documentation for certification.
  • Comprehensive evaluation of ethical practices.
  • Final Test: Comprehensive Certification Exam.

Certification Process and Fees

  • Application Fee: Covers the expertise of the certifying "nose" and administrative costs. Non-refundable.
  • Annual License Fee: Based on annual turnover and the certification level. Designed to be nominal to promote accessibility while ensuring the sustainability of the program.
  • Transparency and Ethics: Applicants must provide honest and detailed responses to ensure transparency and adherence to ethical standards.

This structured program ensures that all applicants understand the importance of ethical practices in natural perfumery and are well-prepared to meet NPA's certification standards.

Estimated Duration:

Pilot Summary

  • Estimated Total Time for Individual Perfumers Curriculum: 1 hour 45 minutes
  • Estimated Total Time for Business Certification Curriculum: 55 minutes
  • Estimated Total Time for Perfume Certification Curriculum: 55 minutes


A 2-4 hour timeframe is reasonable if the course is designed as an overview or introduction, providing concise yet comprehensive coverage of each module. For a more in-depth exploration, additional time may be needed. This structure allows participants to gain a foundational understanding of ethical practices in natural perfumery while meeting the time constraints. Thank you for helping us to pilot this program. 

This is an exclusive club for experienced natural botanical perfumers and blenders. Entry is by invite only. Please contact the Ruth or Justine for details.
Estimated Duration:

Exclusive Members Only 

A series of advanced perfumery workshops and master classes written and instructed by Justine Crane. 
Click here to learn more or join the Advanced Perfumers Workshops and Masterclasses 2.0
Estimated Duration:

The course time runs 3 - 6 months depending upon which schedule the student chooses to work.
Total of 170 hours approximate 7 hours minimum per week for 6 months or 14 hours minimum per week for 3 months. 
6+ hours reading only coursework information; 160+ hours workshop and participation prompt exercises.