"We are happy to introduce our new lower course cost to help students fulfill their dreams of becoming a Natural Botanical Perfume Formulator."

"We are happy to introduce our new lower course cost to help students fulfill their dreams of becoming a Natural Botanical Perfume Formulator."

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  • New Perfume Class
Nature’s Nexus Academy of Perfuming Arts ~ NNAPA ~ Teachers Justine Crane, and Shelley Waddington (Shelley teaches how to use natural isolates)

We are happy to introduce our new lower course cost to help students fulfill their dreams of becoming a Natural Botanical Perfume Formulator. At NNAPA, it’s easy to learn to create perfume without breaking the bank. Our course curriculum knocks off years of independent research and study and helps the student form cohesive thoughts and ideas regarding how they want their future in perfumery to progress.

Contact: www.naturalperfumeacademy.com


My experience at NNAPA is all the best. Here I can talk of perfumery, subject I love and nobody wants to talk at home any longer. Here I find people with the same interest. Here I learn a lot and receive a lot of hints, opportunities of participation, attention and instruction. I am always very well treated, with sincerity and respect (one does not exclude the other), consideration, good humour. Here I found good friends.
Ruth, Justine and Shelley are very accessible all the time and I always befriend my coleagues. Even if I am from the first group of students, I don’t want to leave NNAPA at all.
Come and stay with us!

~Ane Walsh

Justine has been so generous, and warm towards me, a young natural botanical perfumer. I am so grateful to her, for her willingness to always answer my questions, no matter what it has been. She has truly been a wonderful mentor to me, and I am very glad that I have been able to study with her, and learn from her. I am currently enrolled in the year long course, through the Natural Perfume Academy. It has been an amazing experience. Thank you Justine for all of your time and effort!

~ Amanda Feeley

Justine is incredible. The depth and breadth of information and the generosity with which she dispenses them is not matched by any other natural perfume teachers I know. The NNAPA gathers a great group of people, too! I cherish the friendship and the community of perfumers at NNAPA.

~ Yuko Fukami