Our First Ever Spanish Translation of a NPA Course and our 10th Birthday

Our First Ever Spanish Translation of a NPA Course and our 10th Birthday

por Ruth Ruane -
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So it is with great pleasure I would like to announce our first ever Spanish translation of our intensive course. 

A huge big welcome to Marta Garcia Pons who (I am getting emotional typing this) has stuck with us since 2014, she became a mentor with the world of patience and compassion and now she is a teacher. She painstakingly translated the perfume course and workbook into Spanish, following in the footsteps of our long time friend and teacher Ane Walsh. It is exciting to say the least. 


If you go to this link you will read Martas bio 

It is also a good time to mention that we have extended the course to 9 months. The course content is the same, we are allowing buffer time between the start date and more buffer time for the finishing and final perfume submission and evaluations. 

While I am here I want to invite all academy members to join us for a glass of bubbly on the 28th of August 2018 as we make a toast to celebrate 10 Years. I will be making a live toast from the head quarters here in Galway and I will encourage anyone to share in the fun. It will be happening at Tuesday the 28th of August 10:45 GMT 

Visit our Facebook event and add yourself if you want to wish us a happy birthday on the night or the next day https://www.facebook.com/events/711619765961648/

Thats all for now. Thanks everyone so much for all your support and love through the years!!