I bid thee all a good May Day!

I bid thee all a good May Day!

por Ruth Ruane -
Número de respostas: 0
Imagem de Admin

Hello from Galway Ireland! May eve is special, it's a powerful time. A time when light is triumphant. Wherever you are in the world today I wish you all love, peace and gratitude. 

I also wish a very warm Welcome to all new students! WELCOME! 

Today is the last day for enrolment into the Spring Course. 

A message for all students 

Some tips for getting the most out of your course 

  • Please make sure to login and become familiar with the inner workings of the Moodle learning platform. Upload a profile picture and introduce yourself.  (I have learned that learning perfumery in a location where there is no opportunity to meet other perfumers can become lonely. Having others of like mind to bounce ideas off makes learning more enjoyable and in the secure environment of a NPA course bonds of business and friendship are often forged.) 
  • Make full use of ALL the resources available to you in your course. These will grow as the course goes on. There will be more units opening as time goes on. Make sure you utilise all the resources that you can find in your course if you can starting from day one. 
  • Follow the teachers lead and COMMUNICATE on the forums if you have questions or feedback.

Any technical questions shoot them over my way. You can send me a message through here or drop me an email to ruth@naturaperfumeacademy.com 

Here is a honeysuckle flower for you, I can't wait for the blossoms to appear this year. 

Learn, Create, Inspire  
Anexo honeysuckle.jpg