From grey to blue...scented vibes

From grey to blue...scented vibes

por Ruth Ruane -
Número de respostas: 0
Imagem de Admin

I'm sitting here looking out at the sky clearing from grey to blue, having just tidied up some of the older classes on the perfume academy reading through the lists of students, going back as far as 2010. I was moved almost to tears as I thought to myself, WOW! these are all students of the Natural Perfume Academy! Then it struck me that some of the students in the older classes (2010 and 2011) hadn't been active for many months and even a year in some cases. It made me sad. So I felt like I wanted to reach out and say thanks. 

Thank you all for being a part of the academy. Well done to all of the students who graduated and have gone on to do great things. You know who you are! ;) 

Some names popped out at me and I remembered that for one reason or another they had to put their studies on hold. I want to take this opportunity to ask you to come back and give it another try. 

In September a student came back after having had a year out and now they are enjoying it more than ever. So I'm putting it out there today. Please come back and have another go. There was a reason you joined us, something motivated you to begin. We want to support you in your journey. 

Sending good wishes and lots of nice scented vibrations from Galway Ireland.